How Long Will it Take Me to Adapt?

Jonah M.
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
2 min readApr 8, 2020

It’s hard to focus on a thesis project while dealing with emotional issues. The COVID-19 pandemic stripped me of all my resources. I no longer have a place to work, I don’t even have a stable place to live. I recently found out that my job was no longer deemed “essential” by the school and I am unable to work from home now. I’ve been struggling with staying motivated and focused on my schoolwork, not having the academic environment makes this even harder for me. I also went through a breakup.

It feels like all of my physical and psychological needs have been taken from me all at once. Everything in my life that created a stable foundation has been ripped out from underneath my feet at the same time. Two weeks ago I was at the height of my life. I finally had a free environment to record, I had the most healthy and productive schedule I’ve ever had in my life, and I was surrounded by awesome relationships. Now I have none of that.

I am upset I have not been able to adapt. I still feel as crushed as I was when everything first started to slip away from me. I feel like I’ve been avoiding schoolwork. Instead I’ve been trying to find distractions. Finding ways to spend my days without thinking about how upset and crushed I am has taken priority over schoolwork. How am I supposed to work on my thesis when I’m struggling to do the bare minimum assignments I’m supposed to be doing for my other classes?

Everything hit me too hard. I won’t have the awesome thesis I planned by the end of the semester. How long will it take me to adapt to these circumstances?



Jonah M.
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020

Senior Interactive Multimedia major with minors in marketing and music.