IMM 499 — Project More Knowledge — Week 1

Kyle Lee
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
1 min readJan 29, 2020

Here is a current overview of my Senior Thesis Project:

I currently have finalized lyrics and draft recordings of all songs slated to by on the final ‘More Knowledge’ hip-hop LP. During the Fall semester, I used sampled audio from various sources that I mixed in Logic Pro X. This Spring semester introduces the start of the phase where I will create more professional, cohesive sounding tracks that are completely original in composition.

I will use a Roli Lightblock M, an Akai MPK Mini MK2 Midi keyboard, and Logic instruments / plugins to make original music that will not be subject to any copyright violations. Moreover, I will capture high-quality vocals and spend time working in the TCNJ recording studio.

There are a few important things on my immediate to-do list as I schedule my project workload for my final semester at TCNJ:

  1. Contact Professor Kalinowski and schedule recording studio time
    - draft an email and cc Professor Buckleitner and Dr. Nakra
    - describe project in 3 sentence overview
    - explain that I may need up to 25 hours of studio time throughout the first 8 weeks of the semester
    - provide a detailed proposed schedule and be flexible to whatever scheduled time is available / realistic
  2. Go through entire Roli lightblock sound library, and add favorite sounds/instruments to my list
  3. Become better acquainted with the Akai MPK Mini Midi keyboard and practice regularly



Kyle Lee
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020

Wordpress Web Developer and Interactive Multimedia Student at The College of New Jersey. Currently studying music production while developing thesis project.