Medium Update 12

Colin Snyder
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
1 min readApr 21, 2020

The progress I made this week was a little bit inconsistent. I spent a lot of time trying to engrave the tile designs onto the acrylic so that I could cut them out, but the program that the Cricut machine uses couldn’t handle files as big as the one I had planned. So I spent a decent amount of time trying to find a workaround, only for a storm to hit and prevent me from actually trying the newest solution to the problem.

Instead of cutting out the tiles I refined some level design and made two more levels. I also worked on a legend so that the markings in the instructions will make sense,especially when playing single player. I also ordered materials for a new version of the top grid that will be less fragile and potential look a lot nicer, but the materials weren’t ready to be picked up as of the time I am writing this. Instead of trying to use the relatively flimsy basswood, I am going to attempt using sturdier but visually unappealing chipboard. To mitigate the fact that it isn’t pleasant looking, I will attach a faux leather top and then likely add some trim around the sides of the board. This will not only help to board look more finished, but it should also make it slightly sturdier.

