Reflection on the Self 3/4/20

Tyler Rodriguez
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
2 min readMar 4, 2020

I feel like every week I start out by saying what a crazy week it has been every week now. It has been one of those weeks where a lot of stuff outside of school kind of overtook my week, so I wasn’t able to do everything I had hoped for. Many of what I did was mainly more design work because it is what I’m most comfortable with and can do quickly, but I really want to get into the newer stuff. I’m planning to set aside a lot of time for some days this week in order to get a good chunk of work done so hopefully all goes well.

Stylistically, I’m actually starting to see an improvement in the designs I’ve been making. I’m trying to blend traditional styles along with my own illustrator style in order to make a unique blend of traditional and modern. I’m quite proud of the informational poster I made since it encompasses this feeling I was trying to portray. My only fear is that these designs translate well into 3D well.

To get a bit off topic from my project, a lot of personal anxieties have been flowing through my head lately. I’m pretty unsure what I want to do as a career after I graduate, and I’m kinda afraid of it since I’ll be out in the real world in a couple months. Job hunting is quite hard too and it has been putting me down in the dumps these past couple weeks. However, I’ve been trying to remember to stay positive. Getting down on yourself only makes the issues worse, so picking yourself up and getting stuff done is the only way to really get out of the rut. I may not know what I want to do for the rest of my life and that’s totally scary, but all I can do in this situation is just keep on working, keep on trying out new things in order to find what I am truly made for. It’s tough out there, but we’ll all be ok.

Until next time blog,

Tyler Rodriguez



Tyler Rodriguez
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020

Interactive Multimedia major and Graphic Design minor. Senior student at The College of New Jersey. I love Design and all things Art related.