Run Dry — Thesis Project (1/29/20)

Gianna Pulitano
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
2 min readFeb 3, 2020
“Give Water Give Life” — 3 people washing their hands, excitedly, from a clean water drinking well.

For my thesis project, I was seeking a project that would introduce me to a new skill, utilize my professional skills, and share a meaningful message. I decided to begin with the company that lit a fire behind my imagination, the Walt Disney Company. I took some time to reflect on my Walt Disney World College Program and identify types of technology the company used for visual storytelling. The use of water projection, special effects, and set design in Fantasmic! caught my attention. I decided that I was going to learn woodworking to craft a water screen. A PVC Pipe will be mounted at the top of my screen and I will drill holes across it to drop a screen of water. The water will come from a tub contained at the bottom of the screen that continuously sends water back up through a hose on the side of the water screen. I will be filming and editing a video to project onto the screen that is intended to raise awareness about the Water Crisis. The water screen will be decorated as a drinking well to encourage the idea of donating to the Thirst Project, a non-profit organization that is currently raising money to build wells in countries that lack access to clean water. A bucket will be hung from the side of the screen to collect donations for the Thirst Project. My goal is to create a full room installation experience. The final presentation will include various relevant objects to the Water Crisis, such as the five gallon water jugs that residents living in countries without access to clean water are forced to spend hours carrying every day.

The most surprising aspect of this project thus far has been the incredible amount of public speaking and communication it has required. I have traveled to both Pennsylvania and New York, meeting professionals in woodworking and installation art/curation. I also attended an exhibit for videography and artist Bill Viola to study how he used water to target specific emotions in his audience. The conversations this project has sparked are just the beginning of showing how media can be employed to promote positive change.

The name Run Dry came from the concept that the people living in areas without water have run dry in a number of way. Without clean water, one will quickly run out of energy, health, hygiene, etc.

With a platform as strong as video, we have the ability to prompt change. My goal is for this project to challenge society to find fun, creative ways to help others.

*The photo used in this publication is property of The Thirst Project.*



Gianna Pulitano
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020

T1 diabetic, storyteller, maker, dreamer, and a whole bunch of other things. A collection of lessons I’ve picked up over the years.