The Big Sicky

Most people might not consider the coronavirus situation ideal. I am not most people.

As someone with severe social anxiety and PTSD, this is absolutely wonderful for me. Social distancing, forced lack of human contact, and virtual classes all fall perfectly in line with my ideal world. It is difficult for me to understand how people are so traumatised by this turn of events, but I am also aware that, as someone who has a barely-functioning immune system, I already spend an abnormal amount of time “working from home,” as I get sick absurdly frequently. I personally think this is one of the best things that could have happened to the world.

COVID-19 has helped show us the worse sides of capitalism. The virus has had the government give massive bailouts, a thing typically associated with communism. This proves that pure capitalism is unsustainable and fundamentally flawed and fragile when forced to confront issues such as pandemics. It is also proof that there is no need to show up in person everyday for obligations such as jobs, school, etc.

Furthermore, mass marketing has perpetuated many lies that are being broken now. Most people can see they are just fine in their homes- people are able to live and function without needing to drive two hours to work every day. Additionally, by staying home, we are using less energy, gas, resources, etc., and are thus cutting down on pollution.

People who claim that human interaction is vital to personal success are also being proven wrong, in many cases. Last time I checked, my grades were just fine, and always have been, even though I spend a decent amount of time working from home due to my frequent illnesses. Nothing in the results of my work have changed, negatively or positively. This in itself is proof that this “new way of life” is not as big of a catastrophe as everyone is making it out to be.

People are dying from the virus, but we are not dying from being socially isolated or forced to stay home. On the contrary, that is what is truly saving us from dying. There is a far too negative outlook on this entire situation, and I believe that we as a species will come out the other end of this with a better grasp on reality and society.

