Thesis Reflection #2

Rashid Carter
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
1 min readFeb 19, 2020

This week I was able to finish creating the beat for 1 of the 3 songs on my project. I was also able to write the lyrics for the song as well. I plan on this song being number 2 on the track list because of the aggression I plan on bringing when recording the vocals. Aggression isn’t something that I want to begin or end my project with. Other than that, I was able to finish polishing my cover art. The image contains a highly saturated picture of my arm from a couple of years ago. My initial plans were to give the font a bloody effect. But I found a font that seemed to fit the theme I was going for. That font is Chalkduster. The text is slightly fractured which made me not want to even add a blood effect. It feels right as is. Yet, that may not be my final cover art because I may create an entirely new one once the video is complete.

