Tyler Rodriguez Thesis 2/26/20

Tyler Rodriguez
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
3 min readFeb 26, 2020

Yet, another crazy week for me in regard to keeping up with other classes. I had tests and projects galore! Even in my senior year, class assignments have not been kind to me! So whenever I had a bit of free time, I’ve been trying to get some project work done.

A lot of what I did this week isn’t really much of cohesive things, but I did figure out a lot of how I’m planning on how my display would look for the showcase. I wasn’t too certain on how I would display the information about each character, considering that my animations are meant to be short and to-the-point. So I don’t really want people to watch the animations and have to worry about reading as well. In my conceptual image class, one of my classmates presented a digital artist named Dan Stiles. He’s known for his bold, graphic posters and limited palettes. They’re very eye catching and inspired me to create graphic posters of my own as a means to display information to the public. It’s a lot easier for someone to read information on a static image, rather than from something animated. I began prototyping ideas of how these posters will look for the showcase.

Since I can’t really focus on one thing, a lot of what I get done is sporadic and all over the place. I’m trying to just pump out my designs and get them done, but i’ve also been watching a lot of tutorials on Blender and trying to do some test models in order to get better at the medium. Designing and even using After Effects are a lot more familiar to me than anything 3D, so I want to get more familiar with it before I do anything concrete. Practice does make perfect, and i don’t want to half ass something i know i could have made better so i don’t mind taking the time to do so. However, in terms of stuff i actually got finalized, i did finish my design for the Norse monster Fenrir, the giant wolf. My schedule looks like it’s going to loosen up just a bit for this upcoming week, so I’ll be able to hopefully get a bit more done.

Until next time blog,

Tyler Rodriguez

I’ll leave you guys with a bit of Dan Stiles work that’s inspired me lately:



Tyler Rodriguez
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020

Interactive Multimedia major and Graphic Design minor. Senior student at The College of New Jersey. I love Design and all things Art related.