Unexpected End of the Semester

Jonah M.
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
1 min readMar 26, 2020

I could write endlessly about how disappointing this is for me, but instead I’ll try to look at it as optimistically as possible.

Campus is officially closed for the semester. I won’t be able to use the studio or any of the equipment. Luckily I will be able to work around these obstacles.

I have enough basic recording equipment to finish recording as much as I can in the time I have left. Recording at home will be difficult scheduling because everyone is home and inside because of social distancing. Hopefully I can work something out with my parents and brothers that gives me enough time.

I am going to have to rethink the scope of the project. I was supposed to have everything recorded by now, and I don’t think I will be able to finish everything soon enough to have the full album done before May 8th.

My new goal is to have three singles released by the end of the semester. I already had one song, Heavy Metal released over spring break. I will also work on optimizing my ad campaigns for the songs.

Now that I’m recording at home, the focus of my project will have more of a DIY aesthetic, and my presentation will probably be focused on how to record and produce music with a limited setup.



Jonah M.
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020

Senior Interactive Multimedia major with minors in marketing and music.