This past week, I composed the first two minutes of my piece. These two minutes of music were very calming and even borderline ambient. I had this song in particular as inspiration:

While I have written less energetic music in the past, I haven’t really written anything that gives off a vibe like this. I found that playing with subtle effects such as EQ, delay, reverb, and even chorus allowed me to really shape the sounds into something that meshed very well together.

I decided to give myself the goal of writing four minutes of music for the next two week, which means I will end up with a 10 minute piece by April 14th. From that point onward, I can tweak things in the mix, record real instrument parts, and allow time for visuals to be created.

One last thing to mention is that I am creating quick little videos documenting the work that I am doing, so that I can possibly have a little documentary after completion.

