Working in Quarantine 5/10

Chad Mathern
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
1 min readMay 24, 2020

This past week has been busy as projects and finals for other classes began to pile up. However I was able to get in almost all of my in game sound effects but am still working on a solution for making them sound good in slow motion. I am currently working on a way to pitch down the master volume mixer in accordance with my time slow script to try and give it a “slower” sound. While working on that I have been experimenting with different level layouts and continuing to find examples of good level design since I that is really the final step for me as I wrap up, aside from polishing and potentially adding another few enemies/environmental hazards and interactions. I believe that once i have an actual level the game will finally look like a game and not just a testing area. I expect to spend a great deal of time on this part of the project but am confident a week is more than enough time to make it presentable.

