Working With Others — Chapter 10 Reflection

Ryan Strenkowski
2 min readNov 19, 2017


I completely understand the attitude that a lot of designers have towards other designers, and the climate of the profession. As a programmer, we are often taught to create code independently, but write documentation so that other employees in the company can understand and use it. We also are put into groups in order to create applications, and will work together to cover different parts of a different design. If any of us need help, or has a better idea to implement an idea, we will try our best to work with them to fix it. There is almost no competitive or toxic environment when working with programming teams that I have experienced. I don’t usually see the same treatment when it comes to artists, designers, and managers.

When I had created the Super Smash Bros. club on campus with another passionate student, we often had a lot of disagreements when it came to framing and designing the club. I was very open to a lot of his concerns and decisions, however, he would disregard all of my input. He would not take criticism to better develop his designs, and would often only push his own ideas. It came to the point where we had to separate him from the club and any events he had been working on. The environment he created by being dismissive and patronizing caused the club events to suffer, and growth to stagnate.

I often try to learn from other experienced designers in the profession, learn from my mistakes, and take criticism from the community and local designers. This has caused me to grow as a designer over the last 2 years, and start to further develop my events. I don’t think it is ever a good idea to sabotage and belittle other designers, rather than help them.

