I’m the One Who’s Been Here the Longest

Victor Perez, 23, spent over three years at the Adelanto Detention Center in California

Freedom for Immigrants
IMM Print
3 min readMay 23, 2017


Victor (left) with his sister Valeria. Donate to his bond fund campaign so they can be reunited.

Hello, my name is Victor Perez and I have been in ICE custody at the Adelanto Detention Center since October 15, 2013. I turned 23 years old on May 7th.

I’ll start by informing you that I’m the one who has been here at ADFW the longest.

Three years and six months. My stay here has been everything but easy. Sometimes it takes weeks to see a doctor. For minor problems like a cold you’re seen within five days, but for more serious things there seems to be no time frame. The food has improved but we had to go on a hunger strike about a year and a half ago.

I have three jobs here. I work in intake making bed rolls for the new arrivals, I work sweeping and mopping the hallways in the evenings. I also work as a barber in my dorm. No matter how long I work during the day I only get paid a dollar a day.

I keep myself busy to avoid mental problems. My diagnosis is PTSD, chronic depression with psychotic features and anxiety. I like to draw detailed illustrations to keep my mind occupied.

Victor. Photo provided by his family.

My family can only visit me once in a while because of lack of transportation. My mom is trying to raise the money for my bond, but it is difficult because she only works a few hours a day because she has to pick up my brother and sisters from school. I worry about my family a lot, and the little money I make in here I save up to buy them gifts. I dream about being home again, and all of us going to the beach together.

I have a pro bono lawyer as part of a class-action lawsuit. I am currently in an appeals process, filing for asylum and am eligible for a “U” visa, which means I have been a victim of a crime in the United States.

Before I was detained by ICE, I worked loading a truck for the 99 cents store. Here’s a copy of my culinary arts diploma and a copy of a certificate from the city of Los Angeles congratulating me back in 2008 when I was in a boy’s home. Maybe this can help with my bond campaign, so people can know what I like to do when I’m home. 😊

I was granted a bond of $20,000 on August 28th, 2016. My family has only been able to raise $2,000. Last month, my bond was reduced to $12,500.

At this point anything would help. Thank you for everything you do for people like me. It means a lot to us here in detention. God bless you!

Victor was released at the end of July, 2017, thanks to the help of this story and CIVIC’s fundraising campaign, but he still has to pay off the remainder he borrowed. Donate and share this story and Victor’s bond fund campaign so that he can help support his family!




Freedom for Immigrants
IMM Print

Formerly known as CIVIC, we are a national nonprofit working to end U.S. immigration detention. www.freedomforimmigrants.org