Borderlands 3

Marcus Moore
IMM Review
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2019

By Marcus Moore

In-game screenshot taken on PC.
Screen capture from Borderlands 3 running on a PC

Runs on: Xbox One, Playstation 4, PC* (* = version reviewed)
Price: $59.99
Created by: Gearbox Studios for 2K Games
ESRB Rating: M (Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language)
Release Date: September 19, 2019

Cautious optimism.

That best describes my feelings leading up to the release of Borderlands 3. You see … I loved the first two games, and I wanted more…. more weirdness, crazy weapons and unique character abilities that makes this series stand out from others in the crowded first person genre.

Over fifty hours into the game, and I can happily say — I’m still in love, enough to overlook a few weak spots which I’ll explain later.

The publisher — Gearbox Studios, understands players like me. I wanted creative weapons, and I found them. Each gun offers something unique, which increases the chance that every type of player will find a weapon. The class-based character system (Beastmaster, Siren, Gunner, and Operative) was carried over from previous games, and previously playable characters from earlier games have returned, and Zero and Lilith take up roles as welcome characters that drive different parts of the story.

If you grew up with the earlier versions of this game, you’re likely to find that the characters feel two-dimensional and predictable, with uninspired dialog and un-skippable cutscenes that can become tiresome.

I even found myself taking off my headphones just to get a break from some of the tired jokes. It often quite ruined the mood to finish off a boss only to spend the next five minutes listening to a character drone on.

The lackluster story and predictable dialog isn’t why I remain cautiously optimistic about this third in the series. I was looking for a good time, and I found it. This high-octane first-person shooter is a ticket to play and explore — the way you like, with weapons that empower you. I am happy with my $60 purchase, and I’ll bet you will be too.

Marcus Moore is along time multi-platform gamer and animator. He’s studies interactive design at TCNJ’s IMM program.



Marcus Moore
IMM Review

Avid video game and film enthusiast with a passion for the various facets of the entertainment industry.