Senior Project

Dustin Hazzard
2 min readMay 10, 2016


My name is Dustin Andrew Hazzard. I’m 22 years old and I’m on the Autistic Spectrum, hence the name of my project, Works of an Autistic.

As for the project itself, it’s essentially a small website featuring artwork of original characters made in Adobe Illustrator and as well as musical themes for each one notated in a musical application named Finale and refined in Logic Pro X. The pages that make up the site were created in Adobe Dreamweaver.

The IMM 2016 Senior Showcase that this project featured in is a special event held mostly on the second floor of the Arts and Interactive Multimedia Building. The purpose of this event is show off what the senior class has managed to create as well as what the seniors plan to do after graduating.

Initially, my project was going to be a digital soundboard created in Processing, an application that uses programming language. One challenge I had with that was putting the character’s faces on the buttons, as I found out you can’t use jpeg images in Processing. Another challenge was setting the music up. I actually made no attempt to do either one. These issues are the reason why I changed my project to a website. My project was easier to finish after that. Now, there was a minor hurdle I had to deal with. That was things not showing up. It turns out all I had to do to overcome that was fix the reference urls for the images and music. That solved the problem right there and then.

If there was any advice I could give to future students, it would be that if they plan to do something like this for their theses, they should acknowledge their limitations and decide whether or not they will be able to do what they’re envisioning. It would certainly make their lives easier if they did.

