My grandmother’s story: week 3

George Tatoris
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readFeb 23, 2017

For this week, I continued to research both the history surrounding my grandmother’s story and JavaScript. I’ve been looking into the city in which my grandmother was born to add to the setting. The city is the capital of a landlocked prefecture, surrounded by mountains. Its most famous landmark is a 7th-century Buddhist temple that is a major tourist attraction. I feel like it’s important to delve into this kind of background to get a better understanding of how my grandmother came to be who she is today. Japanese culture and history creates a very different person than American culture, and that cultural background needs to be included so my American audience can understand my grandmother’s perspective.

In addition, I’m starting off with advice my grandmother gave me a while ago because I think it makes a good start. She once told me to think of anyone I’m angry at as a baby because it’s impossible to remain angry at a baby. A baby can’t be selfish or prejudiced — it’s just a baby. After this advice, I go into how I know my grandmother. The 85-year-old woman who travels the world and continues to work so she can travel the world. Then, I’m going way back to the past — before my grandmother was born, even — to talk about my great grandparents. I mentioned why I wanted to include my great grandparents last week.

I’ve also been looking into coding. A lot of the Codeacademy lessons are just refreshers from IMM130, but I think it’s equally important. I’m looking at a lot of websites to get ideas about simple, easy tricks I can use to flash up my website. For example, I want to do an animation so when you click where you want to go on the navigation bar, the screen scrolls to where you want to go instead of just jumping to it, which might get confusing.

