Necrophobic Sprint #9

Matt Kahrer
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
1 min readApr 12, 2017

This week has been quite productive for me in terms of creating the game. I got the Oculus Rift to work with my game, and now the player can use it to look around the game environment. There was a small bug in which the player height was incorrect, but I have resolved it by moving the placement of the sensor for the Oculus. I have also begun refining the skeleton for my demon model, so that it fits fits more accurately, and causes less distortion to the mesh.

As a result of now using the Rift as my main visual output, I now have to alter the HUD elements so that they will display properly on the device. The means replace the text elements with stereo layers that will display evenly through both lenses. Not only that, but I have to apply these same techniques to the main menu. I have started work on the menu, and I just need to set it up so that the player can select these elements.

This week has taught me a lot as to how to work with virtual reality gaming. I now know that it requires its own elements in order to work properly, and provide its own unique experience.

Finally, I will continue work on the demon rig, as well as the sound elements for generating footsteps on the different surfaces.

