Optimism Art Sprint 4

Rebecca Leader
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readMar 1, 2017

This week was a lot of work on one simple thing. For the third level of the game there is a puzzle that involves moving rocks around to build something. This week I ended up spending my time trying to get a decent rock model done. The challenge was not in making the model itself. The challenge was making it look believable. Through textures I had to make this blob look like a real-enough rock. While our game is not super realistic in style I still had to make the rock look believable. I spent many hours finding images of rocks and staring at the rocks. I then had to make files that had the textures to use. I would apply a texture and boom, not a rock. Through trial and error I eventually got two rocks rendered out to show people and get opinion on them. I plan to work on these some more after getting some feedback on the initial test renders.

Rock Test Render One
Rock Test Render Two



Rebecca Leader
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017

An Interactive Multimedia Senior at The College of New Jersey. Focusing on Animation mostly for Video Games but Movies are a possibility too.