Senior Project Sprint 4: Profiles!

Kevin Bohinski
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readMar 2, 2017

This week after all the craziness from HackTCNJ, I got started on making both driver and customer profiles.

These profiles mimic Uber’s star rating system for both drivers and passengers. Of course, there are some differences. For one we would need to collect payroll information for drivers, and payment information for customers. Driver profiles need to store information about cars, and statistics to determine how good of a driver they are, such as the percent of on time deliveries.

To start this, I began to imagine the data needed and created the corresponding database tables for it.

I also began to start thinking about what authentication methods I want to use, weather I want to use OAuth (login with Google) or to make my own. This is important to know as it will be stored with the other relational information about the drivers and customers, and I will need to alter the tables to accommodate for this in the future.

This post and project (ship2pd) are requirements toward a senior project at The College of New Jersey’s Interactive Multimedia Department.

ship2pd is a new kind of shipping network. By taking advantage of everyday routes, ship2pd hopes to get the package to its recipient quicker, cheaper, friendlier, and greener. Think Uber for shipping.

