Senior Project Sprint 6: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Kevin Bohinski
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readMar 23, 2017

This week I was not able to get much done due to work from other courses. I was hoping to get more done over Spring break, but I worked on projects from other classes. To remedy this, I hope to dedicate weekends when I can to working on ship2pd. Since the last post, I have changed how profiles work slightly for simplification purposes. I hope to find time to work on A* for next week. This project has shown me that I find it easier to work with predetermined due dates for milestones and a well-defined specifications list. This week we have been asked to also discuss some ethics involved with our projects. The major open questions I have heard from feedback so far revolves around how the service would treat drivers, and what can and cannot be shipped. While I would like to remind the readers that I started ship2pd with the sole purpose of a tech demo for job applications, I have addressed some of these issues. I figured a ban on hazardous materials would resolve most of the issues, akin to the hazardous materials advisement when one checks in for a flight. Also, while I have no intentions of making ship2pd a real service, if for whatever reason that happens, I would research how other competing services treat their drivers and try to look for other best practices to help in my decision.

This post and project (ship2pd) are requirements toward a senior project at The College of New Jersey’s Interactive Multimedia Department.

ship2pd is a new kind of shipping network. By taking advantage of everyday routes, ship2pd hopes to get the package to its recipient quicker, cheaper, friendlier, and greener. Think Uber for shipping.

