Sprint 6

George Tatoris
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
1 min readMar 22, 2017

Throughout Spring Break, I was able to make some headway with this project, which I haven’t had a chance to work on in the past few week. I got to talk to my grandma and clear up some things about the story that I was confused by. Most importantly, I was able to get my rough draft of the story finished, though I kind of rushed through it. I’m going to have to edit it thoroughly.

On the coding side of things, I’ve hit a wall. I’m learning interesting things through CodeAcademy, but none of it will be useful for the vision I have of this website. On top of that, a lot of it feels like more of a review of things I’ve done in previous classes than learning something new. I’m going to stop the CodeAcademy stuff and replace it with research in how to properly imbed videos, implement parallax scrolling and how to make it so the website loads as you scroll. Since there’s going to be so much information on the screen, I’m going to assume the website will take forever to load.

