Sprint 6

Ric Selleck
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readMar 28, 2017

I might’ve started my work this week a little late but I believe I’ve had my biggest break through with the project. What I really wanted to do was create a brand or identity for my project “the interactive restaurant”. By creating a brand a couple things have to happen, you have to have a name, a logo, a strong social media and something that people will recognise towards your concept, product or service.

This week was big because I finally found a name that plays along pretty well with the thought of interactive technology in the restaurant industry. I need name that I could create a logo, image, or mascot with so I could make apparel, and social media pages for it. It came down to two names, first was “The BluePrint” which I thought could be pretty cool with the thought of technology. But how would I create a brand or identity with the term “The BluePrint”? So I kept thinking and actually used a name generator with key words to help find clever names. One word popped up and it was attached to another name the site suggested. “Robot” I thought hmm!! Robot? let’s see hits on technology, interactive, fun, I could create a identity and a logo with it as well as build a social media page off the robot idea. So I was sold, the name of the project and restaurant will be called “The Robot”.

  • The Robot an Interactive Restaurant Experience

Moving forward for the next week I have a couple things I want to get going which is going to be kind of fun. First I want to create a logo, playing with some cartoon faces, and robotic fonts. After that I want to start creating social media outlets that like to a “hub” or company site. The design and media stuff is going to be the funniest aspects of the project. Following the design aspects, I look to create my business plan of Prezi, which is an interactive presentation site. This will bring some challenges but help me learn the business and market area on more of a numbers stand point. I’m in a good position though as I conducted a lot of research for papers last semester which will help me with this part.

