Sprint 8

Ric Selleck
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readApr 18, 2017

Things are coming to an end and the project is finally starting to take more life!!! This maybe because some of the design methods and media pages are started to take form. But this week some stuff was created and worked on, first was two logo concepts, 2nd was media pages. Attached are two logo designs that I thought fit best with different fonts. I keep saying that with the logo I want the ability to take it apart and use it different ways, being just the robot image or words that’s why you see it designed like this. Here are the core logo with the ability to split and become sub logos. Only one of these will be chosen by next week so I will see more when messing around with apparel and media.

Next you have the media pages that I have put together. Before it’s time to show the project there will be a few things happening to these pages, one being content posted, the other being connecting to “Hub” or restaurant site. The media outlets that I have started to create are Twitter, Instagram and Face, and it will all tie into a word press account. Below are the links to the media pages, understand that they are still in work for now.




