Thesis Project progress #2

Andrew Helgeson
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readFeb 22, 2017

In my post last week, I described the basic technology and science behind my project. My thesis project is a video game that takes advantage of this binaural sound. It is centered on navigating through mazes using these audio cues to point you in the right direction.

The past week, I lost a bit of progress due to hard drive data loss. Of course one the lessons I’ve learned from this is to back everything up. In a way it was a good thing, since I was able to recreate the first level and make some improvements to the design. I was also able to fix the character movement problems I was facing two weeks ago, and I was also able to make the movement smoother and lifelike. My goal for this week was to create a level that is simple yet fun to navigate. It turned out to look like a grassy terrain with high rise walls of stone, not unlike the first draft of this level, which had stone floors instead of grass. To give a better idea of what this level is going to be like, here is what it looks like so far:

I will be adding more walls and details to the level this week.

As a goal for next week, I will be working on the planning for the second level. This level will be a large house or hotel, which will make the maze navigation a little more difficult with tight corners and small spaces.

