Thesis project week #6

Andrew Helgeson
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
1 min readMar 30, 2017

Earlier today, I had the chance to showcase my work in progress video game to classmates within my section. I received very good feedback with many ideas on how to improve my game. My favorite ideas from this session were:

  • Adding a timer to complete the level, as time elapses the level gets darker
  • Adding some sort of character aside from the player
  • Using a flashlight in the dark level
  • A city soundscape for one of the levels

I hope to use most of these ideas into my game if time permits. I especially think playing around with the level’s lighting will bring more importance to the sound experience.

As for this past week’s progress, I worked mostly on localizing the sounds, and making sure they were the right volume and were easy and clear to locate. I noticed that different sounds very much affect how well you are able to locate them. For example, the reason I use the repeating woodblock as most of the sounds is because it is easier to locate than something less distinct and sharp. I noticed the bird singing in one of my sound placements was harder to pinpoint. The same with the music pieces. I think experimenting with all kinds of sounds (or music) would help find the best ones for locating and navigating. For next week, I am coming up with a different name for my project based on feedback, and I will work on a level layout for the 3rd and last level.

