Week 5 Sprint

Ric Selleck
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readMar 8, 2017

This was an intersting week for me, right before spring break in the middle of midterms and projects. Because of that I focused my energy on small tasks that I could get down instead of stressing over big parts of the project that I could work on after break with more time.

I’m taking an a digital marketing class and I sit in that class and think of the impact that digital marketing can have a on a small business or a start up. There is a term called user generated content (UGC) and what it represents is how user behave on social media. Instagram is the most successful digital media marketing tool becuase of two reasons, one it’s free and two UGC. There are over 70 million post daily on Instagram which is more then Facebook and Twitter combined. I’ve always been aware of the power of social media but never new the numbers behind it, and I’ve seen the effect first hand of what a successful media outlet can do for a local business.

Examples of strong social media’s in local markets




I picked these as examples for a few reasons, I want to establish not only a restaurant but a brand, that could be seen in Wickedwolf & Dotlife. Then I want to high light the food as well as the technology. Prior post i’ve gone more into the technology so i’m trying to highlight different aspects. But these media pages all do well connect to there local markets, with some on the eye of growing father, but they grow of there own post but also on UGC of consumers using there product or eating there.

This week i’ve also started messing around with names for the restaurant and brand I want to create. It has to be catchy and play along with the idea of interactive or new and differnt. I’m lucky because I intern at a advertisng agency (Princeton Partners) where we create alot of brand identities so that is a create outlet that I am going to use. So that’s what this week was mainly about, the medias, the research, the business plan which I chose to do a digital one and how to be most effective.

