Week 7 — Feeling a bit crunched…

Chris Stehm
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readMar 23, 2017

Even with spring break…

My spring break was full of laughter, sun, bikini’s, salty water, and pristine beaches. At least I assume it would have been if I was cool, and didn’t have a ton of school work to catch up on. Oh well, my real spring break was a typing, drawing, or modeling mess with hands covered in foreign food substances, sweat pants, fuzzy slippers, and half a foot of ice and snow outside. Oh what a glamorous life!

This week I was able to actually accomplish some pretty easy tasks on my project. I was able to get the sign up screen split up with a cool visual. Plowing forward, I was able to some how code the jobs page. The slide down information pane for each job is now working properly, and I was able to plug in the partial that I had setup earlier in the projects life. That saved some time, but I am slowly and surely falling into the crushing reality that many of the features that I want to put in will not be feasible in the time frame before the show.

So now I need to focus on getting some of the main features set up. Two of the big ones are making sure that the sign up procedure is working properly with all of its interesting animations, and transitions. Another goes hand in hand with the sign up, and that is having proper fields for both the users and the employers. After, before, and during that I also need to get my search feature working with schedule search. That is an original idea for this project, and if the feature doesn’t make it into the website then its really just a fancy job board that has none of my initial intentions baked into it. If I can have that by the show then life will be good. It would be even better if I could get the video resume thing working as well, but I haven’t even broke ground on that idea yet.

For the tacked on ethics portion of this weeks medium post I will talk about the ethics of not properly recycling your electronics waste. Most people don’t realize that PCB boards that are the basis for all your electronics parts are harmful to the environment to manufacture, and they are harmful on the way out as well. It is unethical to just check your old electronics into the trash, and allow them to be sent down the same path as organic goods such as paper, and other waste. So stop doing it! Find an electronics disposal center. The environment will love you more.



Chris Stehm
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017

I am an artist, musician, developer, engineer, and learner of life!