Weekly Sprint 10

Jamie Fonzino
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readApr 18, 2017

So…printing. The last thing on my agenda. I have been stressing over printing out my designs since the day I have completed them. Even buying the paper presented an issue, as I couldn’t find separate sheets of regular, un-glossed printer paper that came in 17 inches by 22 inches or anything around that size. Because of this, I had to buy an entire roll of paper and precisely cut it up to the appropriate size, which took a decent amount of time. I am just worried that, because the paper is not machine cut, the printer will not be able to center my images on the paper. Nevertheless, I plan to finish printing by the end of this week, which will give me plenty of time to mount my work on foam core board and test the augmented reality on the large format images. I have just a few minor tweaks here and there in the augmented reality space, but, I think everything is good to go. I just need to rent out an iPad from the cage so I can test the designs on a larger screen.

Last week, I had some issues with the Blippar application and its audio feature. For some reason, any time I would click the audio button to play the interviews, the sound would play once and then play a second time, creating a strange overlap of audio. I emailed the company, but they were unable to work around the issue. However, instead of the buttons linking to the audio file, I now have the buttons linked to a Soundcloud collection. This way the audio does not have to load along with the design.

I had originally intended to have business cards printed out for me to hand out at the showcase, but, unfortunately, I did not order them in time. Instead, I think I will just do another augmented reality design that is very simple and that links to my LinkedIn page, but I’m not sure yet.

