Weekly Sprint #10: UI/UX

Evan Zodl
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readApr 19, 2017

During this week’s sprint, I spent more time improving FoldFeed’s user interface. Earlier in the semester, I was more focused on implementing FoldFeed’s back-end functionalities which left me with little time to polish the UI. This week, I stopped adding functionalities and completely focused on front-end design. My first task was to improve the look and feel of the feed. This will be the landing page for most FoldFeed users, so I wanted to make sure that it was organized, displayed information clearly, and followed my overall theme. My original color scheme seemed to take away from the artwork, so I started working with a new color palette which I find simple yet effective. I want the main focus of the website to be on the user-submitted content, so most of the new body colors are neutral with orange and darker colors used for contrasting content.

Screenshot of the updated feed page.

I also selected a new font for site navigation and titles. I feel that the new font looks much cleaner and more professional than the default Bootstrap font. On another note, navigation must be a primary consideration when developing any website or mobile application. For this reason, I chose to update the FoldFeed footer with some basic navigation links so that the user can easily find the pages that they are looking for. I have also included social media icons so that users can get involved and contribute to the growth of the platform.

Screenshot of the updated FoldFeed footer.

There is still quite a bit of UI refinement to be done before the IMM Senior Showcase, but I am confident that it will be finished if I re-visit my original design documents and commit to an overall theme and color scheme.



Evan Zodl
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017

Senior Interactive Multimedia and Computer Science double-major at The College of New Jersey