Weekly Sprint #11: Finishing Touches

Evan Zodl
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readApr 26, 2017

I spent this week’s sprint refining my application and preparing it for the showcase on Friday. Most of the work that I have done this week has been on the UI. I completely changed the fonts and color scheme of the application to keep the UI simple and clean to emphasize the artwork and user-submitted photos. One of the pages that most drastically needed a re-design was the user profile page (which can be seen here):

Screenshot of the updated user profile page.

I am going to continue working on the UI up until the showcase to ensure that the UI elements are consistent and clean throughout the application. I have also been planning out my presentation and how I am going to demo the application at the showcase. Since my target audience will likely not be attending the showcase, I have come up with several ways to keep them intrigued in the project (from either a web development or art perspective). As far as the application, I am going to emphasize its main functionalities and how I accomplished specific tasks using React and Firebase. I also intend to bring several of my original origami designs to display alongside my FoldFeed demo. This will help people understand that origami extends far beyond simple traditional models and is a truly fascinating art form.

Video thumbnail for my Origami 6-Fold Heart tutorial.

I may also provide people with origami paper and have one of my simple video tutorials running on loop in the background. That way, anyone who is interested in my project can walk away with an origami creation of their own. If you’re free this Friday between 5–10pm, feel free to stop by and check it out!



Evan Zodl
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017

Senior Interactive Multimedia and Computer Science double-major at The College of New Jersey