Weekly Sprint 2

Jamie Fonzino
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readFeb 14, 2017

I think things are finally starting to fall into place for my project, despite the setback of starting this semester from scratch. My agenda for this week was as follows: define the data set that I will be using to create my data visualizations, create rough sketches of my proposed data visualizations, determine a working style guide, and figure out how I want to present my visualizations. Although I have managed to check most of these items off my to-do list for the week, the Unity3D and Vuforia tutorials, unfortunately, got pushed to the side. For the next two or three weeks, I would like to focus on creating my data visualizations in Photoshop, as this program allows me to work with layers; this feature will prove to be very helpful when I do start to work in Unity3D. My ultimate goal for this project is to have multiple prints of different data visualizations, which illustrate information about veterans and the military in the United States, that have an augmented reality component. I plan to have the augmented reality add dimension to the flat printout copies of the data graphics, as well as helpful tidbits of written information, by expanding the layers of the images into a 3D space where the audience can view the work from all angles.

The most important accomplishments of this week’s sprint was sketching rough drafts of my data visualizations and outlining a short style guide. Its always good for designers of any kind to have a guide to follow when they are envisioning their projects so that there is a visual consistency in their work. For me, I am inspired by modern minimalist graphic design approaches, as well as older styles, such as Art Nouveau, and I plan to incorporate these styles into my graphics. I want all of my data visualizations to have consistency in style and imagery, and, because I am depicting information about the military and the veterans in our country, I want the illustrations to have a theme that matches the content. Once I create the data visualizations, it will be easier for me to work with the images within the Unity3D interface, so my main priority in the next two or three weeks is designing.

