Weekly Sprint 5

Jamie Fonzino
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readMar 8, 2017

Similar to the past few weeks, my goal this week was to create two rough designs to add to my data visualization collection. I managed to create two new data visualizations, but I do need to make some modifications to the designs later on when I have all my visualizations completed. I want to make sure that each design is different but consistent in design. Looking at the work I have done since the beginning of the semester, I think that I am doing a good job of sticking to my project schedule. If I complete my designs by the end of spring break or the week after at the latest, I should have plenty of time to compile all of my assets to start working on the augmented reality piece, as well as start to cut together some veteran interviews. It is very important to me that I create beautiful and informational works of art that help people learn about the veteran and military population in our country. A majority of the work I have done during my college years has a lot to do with education and information communication. In my IMM or graphic design courses, as well as in my tutoring position and internship, I had to find the best possible ways to help people engage with and understand a message or information. I want to take everything that I learned and incorporate it into my project. I truly want people to learn about our military and veteran communities because I feel that people often forget how important these heroes are in our everyday lives, so I want to make sure my project leaves some sort of impact.

