Weekly update and Project Progress

Eric O'Hare
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2017
2 min readMar 2, 2017

The project has come a long way in the past week in terms of its logistical aspects. Specifically, I have been assigned the classroom that I will be using for the performance at the showcase, and the assignment could not have been better. Despite being a room that I’ve basically lived in for the last three years, having most of my classes in it and completing almost all of my work there, the room is perfectly equipped for my project. The room’s projector will be crucial, as well as the many audio MIDI keyboards for potential audience interaction. On top of all of this, the good location of the room itself will lead to a great deal of traffic and allow many to see the end result of my work.

A secondary logistical accomplishment of the past week is that I have met with a potential musician to participate and perform along with my audio visualizer. Lorena LiMato, a junior Music Education student and violinist, has expressed great interest and enthusiasm for taking part in the process. She also experiences chromesthesia, the neurological association of sound to color that my project is attempting to replicate. Both this and her instrument choice make her the ideal candidate, and I feel she would be able to provide great insight into the project during its development. What’s left to be determined is her availability during the semester, as I will likely need to meet with her more than I anticipated. Previously, I was only going to require two rehearsals and the performance of the musician, but Lorena’s experience and perspective will likely lead to multiple consultation meetings. However, Music majors have some of the busiest schedules on the entire campus. Hopefully, our schedules will work out and she is able to participate, and her insight will help this project become the best it can be.

