The Poetry of Nature

Morning Meditation

Beth Bruno
Immersed in Verse


Photo by Carsten Stalljohann on Unsplash

Perfect quiet is the canvas
on which the sounds of nature (and man)
are brushed.

Churring of a lone cricket,
harmonized by the buzzing and whirring
of unknown insects.

Coyote pack yips and barks
its early morning joy.

A car, in the distance
with no muffler.

Then, total silence.

Now, the train’s mournful cry
steel on rails, like a meditation gong.
I listen until the sound is only a memory.

Then, silence returns.

Then, whinny of screech owl,
hoots of barred owl.

A rooster crows.

Pinpricks of stars
in a black velvet sky
give way to soft, misty light.

Coffee sends fragrant
curlicues of steam
into my nostrils.

Dogs bark.
Cows low.
Another train.

Perfect silence.

I hear a single leaf fall to the ground.
It has let go, as I must.
My mantra — “Not always so.”

Morning meditation.



Beth Bruno
Immersed in Verse

Human learning to be human. Writing in hopes of getting there.