Cheap airfares?

I’m a sucker for a cheap airfare! Anything that will get me to Philippines one more time makes my ears prick up. So Air Asia’s current sales have me salivating like Pavlov’s dog! Under $300 return to Philippines if I’m prepared to fly via Kuala Lumpur.

The tension between our own needs and others needs

Ok, I succumbed and spent $29.95 to buy “Planet of Slums” by Mike Davis. I think this is going to become one of my most valuable texts in understanding and prioritising the needs of poverty relief. It’s packed with so many cross-references to…

How to avoid a public relations disaster on Twitter

Anybody been following the recent tirade by a Marc Jacobs intern who somehow was given the keys to drive Daddy’s Twitter account? I can’t imagine CEO Robert Duffy would have been too impressed! Any exposure is not necessarily good exposure…

Heather Ledger : symbolic of a lost generation?

While millions are dying each year because they can’t afford to stay alive, it seems that at the opposite end of the spectrum those with millions of dollars and every opportunity available to them are struggling with incredible internal pain and…

One crazy guy’s stories from the trenches of business, marketing and cross-cultural living
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