Passionate About Immersive Learning? Share it Here!

A simple guide to sharing your knowledge and stories in the Immersive Learning publication

Kerrie Fraser
Immersive Learning


We are a new Medium publication founded by a team of experts in Immersive Learning. We are actively and regularly publishing stories in our quest to become a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in the concept of Immersive Learning and how it can be used as a tool to revolutionise education and training.

Immersive Learning (def.)

“The use of immersive techniques, including storytelling, theatrical performance, technology and puzzles to develop and exercise skills.”

We want to empower our readers to embrace Immersive Learning in order to create positive experiences that engage participants and facilitate effective learning practices.

We’re interested in stories covering all topics that encompass the spirit of Immersive Learning. These could include:

Immersive Learning

Scenario-based learning

Team learning activities

Learning through larping

Innovative uses of immersive technologies to facilitate learning

Learning through puzzles, challenges and technology

The use of narrative and storylines to facilitate learning

Before you submit

We want to ensure consistency and quality across all of our stories so please:

  • Check your story for typos and formatting mistakes. Use subheadings to create flow.
  • Add credits/sources to all image.
  • Add tags to your story. These ensure your article can be easily found by the relevant readers. We like to use tags such as learning, education, learning and development, leadership, business and innovation.
  • Avoid heavy self-promotion. It’s fine to talk about your business if it’s relevant but please avoid shameless plugs and aggressive calls to action.

We will happily consider both published articles and unpublished drafts as long as the piece conforms to Medium’s Rules and Content Guidelines.

How to submit to Immersive Learning in 3 easy steps:

1Reach out to us

Send your Medium tag to us at and we’ll add you as a writer to the publication.

2 Submit your story

At the top of your draft or story you’ll see the three dots (image). Click the dots, followed by add to publication.

3 Sit back and wait!

We’ll review your piece (this could take up to 48 hours) and if we think it’ll be of interest to our readership, we’ll publish it.

We can’t wait to read your submissions!



Kerrie Fraser
Immersive Learning

Passionate about developing and delivering immersive training events through a unique mix of storytelling, technology and challenges. //