Breaking the rules and making a child fall in love with math

Ram Joshi
Immerz — Making Math Come Alive
3 min readJan 29, 2019

Going back to the time (roughly 20 years back) when I was in the school - the schools were all about the culture of discipline. Students should obey all the rules, follow every note. Otherwise be ready for the punishments.

These disciplines also reflected into the way teaching happened in the classrooms. All students should sit tight, and should stay focused; otherwise, you were forced to be “murga” outside the classroom, something like this:

It’s not me but this image would help you better imagine/recall what I am talking about

And it was fun when you were with your friends:

A group always have a fun

Coming to the point — If you look at any of your old school photos or any random school photos on the internet, you will observe a common pattern. That pattern is — when students are together in the group, they enjoy. And they enjoy almost everything (including being Murga, as you can see in the photo above).

The questions I wished the schools would have asked themselves when we were in the schools:
“How can we combine the learning part with what students like (=play games/competitions & play together in the group) - to make learning more effective?”
“How can we make students interested in learning instead of making them sit outside for teacher’s failure of not able to make the subject interesting for the students?”

There have been lots of positive changes that happened in the last 20 years.
But we realized that the questions weren’t best answered yet, especially when it comes to Mathematics:

“How to make a child fall in love with Math?”

In last one year, we closely worked with Students, Teachers, and Parents to find the best answer. And the answer we concluded requires breaking the old rules of how learning always happened in the classrooms.

Rules worth breaking to make your child fall in love with Math.
And, Parents are smart at recognizing it. One of the things we have identified working with parents is that they would like to provide access to the best tools, and a better platform to their child, even if it takes to break the old habits and accept the changes for better.

Yes, 20 years back I didn’t imagine that you can learn Math while you play a Game. Not just a random Math puzzles, but a Game with the breathtaking story, a new world, missions, adventures to explore, and an option to play with friends. While playing this game, students will learn the concepts of Mathematics.

Check out Immerz android app to see what we have done so far:

If you believe in this idea and want to make this revolutionary learning accessible to every student in the globe, please support us on our IndieGoGo campaign:

