How a better understanding of the improvement areas help students to learn math better

Ram Joshi
Immerz — Making Math Come Alive
2 min readJan 25, 2019
Photo by Jungwoo Hong on Unsplash

A few days back a parent with a 12 yr old daughter asked if we could help out with his daughter’s work in mathematics — she has consistently been performing below average for the last five months. Parent has no idea what to do. He had got her a variety of different books, introduced her to Khan Academy on the computer, made a timetable that ensures she practices math every day for 30 min- but nothing was working.

We first tried to understand the areas of struggle from the parents.
Two of last five months she tried to focus on Linear Equations in Algebra. So does she struggle with remembering the rules of isolating x? Is she unable to interpret word problems into equations? Are there specific word problems that are difficult for her versus others?
We needed to know these things to help her out efficiently.

Unfortunately, parents had no idea! It happens with most of us. Doesn’t it — we start to worry about the symptom, without knowing the cause.

What did we do? We quickly whipped up a diagnostic test for Linear Equations and had the daughter take it on a Saturday. It took 25 to 30 minutes to complete the test.
Since this was an online test, it was quick for me to compile the data.

We now know the particular areas she was struggling in: Equations with Parentheses, Denominator and Distance/Time.

To drive the point harder, we had ten more students who were struggling with math. They took the test, and indeed their results were quite different. Almost everyone had unique areas of improvements.

Armed with data from the diagnostic test, we were able to give concrete recommendations to the parents of each student. Where to focus, which problems to practice more, the helpful content to learn and daily practice.
In just two weeks, they were comfortably out of the ‘below average’ zone and had discovered that they could also, be great at Math!

This is the power of data — it demystifies the process of learning, it tells you where your child is struggling and what exactly you can do to help.

We at Immerz made it possible. Check out the Immerz app on Google play:

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