Canadian Immigration — An Overview

ElamParithi Arul
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2020

Are you interested in immigrating to Canada and do not know where to start? Keep reading this post.

Canada’s immigration system is based on,

  1. Economic Class
  2. Family Class
  3. Humanitarian Class

The most popular pathway to economic immigration is the Express Entry System. It is a point-based immigration procedure in which you will be gaining points based on various factors. The more the points, the higher is your chances of immigrating.

How to improve your scores?

The first option to try is to improve your language scores. You have to take a language test and the results are standardized as the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB). You need a CLB 9 in your English or French exam to get a competitive score, although the eligibility is lower than that.

If you still do not have enough points, there are some other ways to improve.

The first option is to study in Canada. Going to school in Canada can be expensive, but if it is your dream, it’s a worthy investment. You will not only gain more points but also get an opportunity to gain valuable Canadian work experience by getting a work permit after the completion of your studies.

Another option is to get a work permit that allows you to work in Canada again helping you gain the Canadian work experience. In most cases, you need a job offer to obtain a work permit.

The next option is a provincial nomination. If you are nominated by a province or territory in Canada, you can get 600 more points on top of the points you already have. Each province has its process and eligibility which makes provincial nomination a huge topic to discuss.

Having a job offer might help you gain more points, however, there are other factors for the job offer to be valid.

So where do you start?

If you want to immigrate under any of the economic programs, you need to prove that you can communicate in one of Canada’s official languages — English or French by submitting a test report. So, finding out which language exam you must take and starting your preparation will be a good place to begin. You can also start gathering the documents required starting with your passport to your proof of employment.

Click on this link to check out your CRS scores to have an idea of the points-based immigration system.

If you’re interested in immigrating to Canada, join our Facebook group ‘Immicafé’ where you can ask questions regarding Canadian Immigration.

If you might be interested in booking a free consultation with us to discuss your chances of immigration, feel free to check out this link.



ElamParithi Arul

Loves to build beautiful products for the Internet.