Cross-cultural Communications and Text Messaging

Mom, I’m only going to speak Vietnamese with you when we text message.

XuânThu Phạm
Immigrant Family
1 min readJun 4, 2014


If you’re communicating with a loved one who speaks English as a second language via mobile devices, I highly recommend avoiding the use of SMS / text messaging as conversation vehicles on a regular basis. It could either result in hearty, chunky laughter between the two communicating people or it could result in (avoidable) misunderstandings, frustration, and even anger. I suppose that’s when emojis come in as a conversation (and relationship) saver.

How could anyone get mad when opening a message response and seeing an emoji of a smiley face on a pile of poo? (Someone, please explain to me how this even came about).

For delicate topics and scenarios that require thoughtful conversation, just dial.

