(Pronounced as “swan-two”)

“Swan like the bird. Two like the number.”

XuânThu Phạm
Immigrant Family
1 min readJun 6, 2014


If there was a shortcut key on my laptop to type this, I would use it daily.

A first generation Vietnamese born in the midwest region of the United States, it never occurred to my parents to name their children with American names.

Close to 36 years later, I am grateful that they didn’t. I’m very honored to represent my given name and feel honored to continue to share the cultural richness, stories, flavors, sounds, and openness that is VietNam.

Jacqueline is my middle name and people (mostly professional colleagues) often ask me if it’s okay for them to call me that (presumably because it’s easier to pronounce) I never take offense of this and always respond with cheer that my first name is preferred.

Give me two seconds, and you’ll learn to speak your first two Vietnamese words…

