Immigrating North: The Untold Stories of Canadians

A new publication dedicated to showcasing the untold stories of immigrants and their families that moved to Canada to build a better future with technology.

Karel Vuong
Immigrating North


In the aftermath of US President Donald J. Trump’s executive order to ban entry to the United States for citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries — Syria, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen — the world has erupted in protest condemning the marginalization of people based upon their race or religion.

In Canada, the technology community has mobilized to stand together and offer support and solidarity to all affected by the immigration ban. What started on Saturday night as a handful of bold Canadians looking to push against this tide of injustice has grown to over 1000 prominent voices within the community. Many went without sleep through the night to draft together a joint communique and open letter titled: Diversity is our Strength.

“Diversity is our strength. We as Canadians recognize our privilege as a prosperous nation. We believe providing refuge to people seeking safety should remain our compass.”

This message is one that is firmly upheld by Canadians across the country. A message that has been addressed at the highest level and within our local communities. A message that all are #WelcomeToCanada.

In under a day, the Canadian tech community has garnered the attention of outlets around the world:

It is this message and the resounding support of the Canadian technology community that has inspired the launch of a new initiative. We want to prevent this rallying cry from fading into a mere whisper.

I am pleased to announce the launch of Immigrating North, a publication dedicated to showcasing the untold stories of immigrants and their families that moved to Canada to build a better future with technology.

The goal of this project is not to attract talent to Canada’s technology ecosystem— though it may very well have that effect. There are three main goals:

  1. To explore the many perspectives and experiences of immigrants that have come to call Canada home;
  2. To highlight our country’s long standing legacy of embracing diversity; and
  3. To spotlight the incredible individuals we have the privilege of calling fellow Canadians.

We know that it’s stories like these that will inspire others and help them find their True North. #WelcomeToCanada

Immigrating North is a publication dedicated to showcasing the untold stories of immigrants and their families that moved to Canada to build a better future with technology.

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Medium to know when we publish our next interview and please recommend this to others that you think may appreciate reading these stories of Canadian immigrants in technology.

Have your own personal immigration story to tell? Share it with us and let us help you inspire others.

Thanks to Kevin Vuong, Dinah Shi, Jessica Galang, and Douglas Tr0n Soltys for proofreading.

