There Is No Illegal Immigrant Crisis

A fact-based review of the myths about undocumented immigration in the United States

Robert Stribley
Immigration in America
7 min readAug 6, 2016


Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past months, you know that Donald John Trump has built much of his candidacy for the Presidency upon the idea that there is an immigration “crisis.” Therefore, he claims, we need to “build a great, great wall on our southern border” to keep illegal immigrants out of the country and we need to deport over 11 million undocumented people, as well.

But there is no such crisis. Not only is there no illegal immigrant crisis, but the data to prove this is particularly easy to find — if you bother to look for it. Let’s review some common myths about illegal immigration then and see what the facts are — backed by data.

  1. “People are pouring across our borders unabated.”

That’s a direct quote by Trump and it’s also completely false. Illegal immigration is actually experiencing negative growth. In fact, it’s not only in decline, but the number of undocumented people living…



Robert Stribley
Immigration in America

Writer. Photographer. UXer. Creative Director. Interests: immigration, privacy, human rights, design. UX: Technique. Teach: SVA. Aussie/American. He/him.