Eligibility Criteria/Requirements for Australia Migration:

Thriving economic condition, cosmopolitan cities, excellent natural treasure and immense working opportunities make Australia a great place to work and live. Inspired by the quality of life which Australia provides, thousands of people immigrate to the country in pursuit of their aspirations. If you are also willing to immigrate to the country, the best way is to join its workforce. Presently, the nation is facing shortage of professionals, thus seeking experienced skilled workers join its economy.

Professionals willing to join the workforce Australia, should not miss out on the working opportunity in the field of medical, banking, hospitality, education, research, etc.
Eligibility Criteria/Requirements for Australia Migration:
• An applicant needs to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI).
• Applicant must be invited to apply by the Department of Immigration.
• An applicant must be between 18 and 49 years of age.
• An applicant must pass a Skill Assessment for a listed occupation on the Skilled Occupation List.
• An applicant must meet the minimum of 60-pass mark on the point test.
• An applicant must be competent in English language, defined as 6.0 in the IELTS.
• An applicant must meet the health, character, public interest criteria.
• Once an applicant receives the invitation to apply, he/she needs to file a visa application within 60 days.
• The applicant can include dependent children and partners in the visa after filing the application.
• Subclass 189 is a permanent visa, valid for lifetime, however a resident return visa is required after 5 years.
Take an online visa assessment test for Australia Migration with Visa For Immigration (an Immigration Overseas sub-venture) to check if you are eligible to apply for the Subclass 189.
Visa for Immigration, an enterprise of Immigration Overseas, offers excellent Australia Migration services to skilled professionals who wish to immigrate to the country permanently.



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