Get Permanent Residency Visa to Avail Great Amenities of Foreign Countries

Have you ever thought of transforming your temporary visa into a Permanent Visa?
PR Visas give many great opportunities to the overseas skilled workers, entrepreneurs, investors and any other individual who would like to stay in a foreign country on a permanent basis.

A general description of PR Visa

A permanent resident visa gives the authority to an immigrant to work and live in a foreign country for an unspecific period of time, provided that he/she will not stay for a longer period of time outside the nation of which he holds a PR visa. A permanent residency visa entitles an immigrant with almost the same rights and privileges that the citizens of a country are entitled to. The holders of permanent resident permits are allowed to travel to and enter the country whenever they want. They just need to show their passport and the Permanent Resident Visa travelling outside or entering the country of which they are permanent residents.

There are many pathways through which an individual can seek for a visa for permanent residency. These are mentioned below:
• By working as a skilled professional under the Skilled Worker Visa
• An employer who has sponsored an overseas skilled worker can also sponsor for the worker for permanent residency
• PR visas are also granted to entrepreneurs and investors who can contribute to the country’s economy
• One can apply for permanent residency of a country under Family Reunification Visas if one has family members who are already permanent residents or citizens of that country.
• Many countries also have the provisions for permanent residency under refugee or other humanitarian programs
• An individual can seek for PR status by marrying a citizen of that country in which he/she want to stay permanently.
There are many benefits that a PR status entitles an immigrant. These include the following:
• Holder of a PR visa can sponsor his/her close family members for Permanent residency permit
• Becomes eligible to apply for citizenship of the country in which one holds a PR visa

Help Offered by Immigration Overseas to the individuals seeking for PR Visa
Immigration Overseas is a leading company providing expertise in quality visa solutions to clients in India and worldwide. Our team of immigration solicitors helps people in cherishing their dreams of staying permanently in abroad.

You can get access to a free online assessment test in our website. you can also get a prior assumption of your chances of getting PR visa by using our Points Calculator of any country that you want.




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