Pathways to obtain Visa for Permanent Residency

If you are an immigrant, living or working in a foreign country on a temporary basis, must be aware of the importance of holding a Permanent Residency Visa. This visa type is more than a piece of paper, as it grants the proud status of being a legal citizen of the country, and thus, allows to avail all social, and public opportunities at their best. With the permanent visa, you are free to move around the country, get access to all social and public benefits/amenities; overall, it lets you live, and work the way you want. In other words, this visa type entitles you to enjoy all benefits of living and working in your dream destination for a lifetime.

Obtaining a PR visa is certainly not a cake walk, as it involves many daunting legal formalities to be tackled strategically. The rules and regulations of getting the status of permanent citizen vary from country to country. To know the eligibility criteria of the country which you live in, contact Expert Immigration Consultants.
How to get a Visa for Permanent Residency?
Here, you are supplied with different pathways that may help you get permanent citizenship.
Getaways to permanent citizenship
Every country, be it Canada, Australia, Norway, Denmark, New Zealand or others, is eager to welcome such immigrants who can phenomenally contribute towards its economy through quality work. Apart from skilled migration, a country welcomes people under a variety of visa types discussed below:
• Federal Skilled Worker Program
• Federal Skilled Trades Program
• Immigrant Investor Program
• Entrepreneurship Program
• Family Reunification Plan
• Parents and Grandparents
• Sponsorship of Spouses
If you are living in a country under one of the aforementioned categories, and willing to apply for the permanent citizenship, then take a Free Online Assessment available with Immigration Overseas to make sure you are eligible to apply for the same.

Whether you are wishing to Apply for Visa for Permanent Residency , under the skilled worker program, family reunification, sponsorship or entrepreneurship program, Immigration Overseas, is happy to help you with all the formalities. Immigration Overseas takes immense pride in introducing itself as an immigration law firm, offering PR visa services. With accreditations of major immigration regulatory bodies worldwide, such as ICCRC/CRCIC, MARA, MIA and others, the firm ethically conducts the services to ensure maximum satisfaction of clients. Visa services that the company provides are empowered with skills, experience and expertise of MARA certified immigration lawyers that ensure a high success rate.

Interested clients can contact us for further details or schedule an appointment with our consultants.




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