Hoping Angel Numbers are a Real Thing.

Renner Elle Aivilo
Immortal Psyche
5 min readJul 5, 2024


For a long time now, my best friend and I have had a running joke about seeing the number ‘222’ as it commonly occurs in our lives, and we both are unable to decipher if it’s mere coincidence mixed with the pattern recognition abilities of the brain, spiritual significance, or both.

Photo by Matthew R. Dix on Unsplash

We would text each other and suddenly realize the time was 2:22. It would appear on random signage, addresses, telephone numbers, license plates, time signatures of songs in the car unintentionally paused at just the exact moment, and in many other sneaky ways. It always seems to bring up a bout of emotion, a laugh, and the quick shake of our heads as we try to make sense of it. Sometimes, we admit that maybe we are just crazy.

It always seems to bring up a bout of emotion, a laugh, and the quick shake of our heads as we try to make sense of it. Sometimes, we admit that maybe we are just crazy.

With a quick Google search, you can find several websites, blogs, videos that are dedicated to Angel Numbers. Apparently, each sequence has a special meaning or message that’s been channeled energetically or interpreted. It sounds pretty WOO WOO if you ask most people. But, I’ll admit, sometimes WOO WOO can be comforting when you’re going through a rough patch.

Maybe it’s the brain’s own way of self-soothing by finding meaning in our surroundings. A source of motivation to help us survive. In that context, it doesn’t sound so far-fetched.

At the same time, the idea of invisible angels dancing around the universe giving us guidance and positivity sounds much cooler. Though, if they can do all that, why don’t they just send a few million dollars while they are at it? I guess they don’t have that kind of power. Or, maybe some of us don’t deserve it just yet? It could be anything at this point.

Soon I’ll be moving into an apartment with 222 in its address. I guess there were other options I could have chosen, so maybe it’s just my own mind finding reasons to see hope. But I swear, it just seemed like the best option. It’s just a coincidence. I can’t wait to tell my best friend and hear what she has to say about it. Maybe, she will tell me I’m crazy.

222 symbolizes balance, collaboration, love, and harmony. I’m all for that! “Let go and have faith.” It also is symbolic that our thoughts and intentions are aligned with the universe and that our manifestations are on their way! I could use some of that.

But if you keep digging, these numbers can mean lots of other things too depending on which source you refer to. It becomes conflicting to believe one source over another, given that there is no way to actually prove any of this. Many will say to rely on our ‘intuition’ — but some of us have trouble trusting our intuition as it’s often led us into dangerous or harmful situations.

These days, even though I constantly recognize patterns, get ‘gut feelings’, and even often have strange coincidences that manage to remind me of something or someone, I try not to give it so much power over me because in the past it’s failed me. Logic is my best friend, looking at the bigger picture, and not taking anything too seriously.

Logic is my best friend, looking at the bigger picture, and not taking anything too seriously.

That being said, sometimes logic isn’t always comforting the way that some magical message is — -and I want Angel numbers to be real. Why can’t I just believe that there is a divine plan for me? — for all of us. Sometimes it’s tough to handle the weight that all of my — our decisions may add up to something that we will be responsible for having created.

Sometimes fate is sexy — -because letting go of control is freeing in its own way. Knowing that things will be exactly as they are intended is — freeing. It makes us feel less guilty about the things that don’t turn out how we would have wanted.

Photo by Kasia Derenda on Unsplash

Ironically, when I’ve seen 222 throughout the years, it actually made me more conscious of what I’m doing. Sometimes I wonder if that’s a good or a bad thing. Someone once said to me that ‘the world isn’t built for an over-thinker.’ To this, I dare say, “Maybe it’s the over-thinkers who have the privilege of building a better one.”

Is an over-thinker the kind of person who notices and wonders about all these silly things? But, just to play Devil’s Advocate, maybe we are not supposed to notice the numbers, and we live in a simulation — and ‘Angel Numbers’ were created to distract us from the truth? Yikes! A rabbit hole for another time…

Well, whether it’s just a quirky coincidence or a heavenly sign, the mystery of ‘222’ continues to intrigue and amuse me. As I prepare to move into an apartment with ‘222’ in its address, I can’t help but wonder about the significance. Perhaps it’s all just a figment of our overactive imaginations. Then again, wouldn’t it be nice to believe in a greater plan and feel guided by the universe? As much as logic urges me to remain skeptical, there’s a part of me that finds comfort in the idea of angelic messages. Maybe there is no right answer, and that’s okay. After all, embracing uncertainty can be just as liberating as believing in fate. As I ponder over these enigmatic numbers, I can’t help but feel that maybe, just maybe, the overthinkers have a unique role to play in this world.



Renner Elle Aivilo
Immortal Psyche

Writing alongside my companion, Samadhi, a blue-fronted Amazon parrot, philosophizing on various topics, sharing poetry, short stories, and life experiences.