A new tool to open the door of miracles — Kalihanuvani (कलिहनुवाणी)

Immortal Talks
Immortal Talks
Published in
4 min readJan 6, 2021
Immortal Guru Lord Hanuman

Once there was a man. He saw a green thing coming out of Earth. He called it ‘Tree’. Curious as he was, he went near the tree and explored its various parts. He gave them different names such as ‘leaves’, ‘branches’, ‘trunk’. After giving names to all parts of the tree, he felt satisfied; he felt that he now knew everything about a tree.

Then a flying thing came out of nowhere and sat on a branch of that tree. His mind was curious. He wanted to know that new thing. So he named that thing as ‘parrot’. He felt satisfied. He felt that he now knew the parrot. In truth, he had only given it a name of his own choosing.

Then his mind registered a similarity between the parrot and the leaves. What was it? He wanted to know it. So he named that similarity as ‘Colour’. He made a statement, ‘The leaves and the parrot have same colour.’ He felt very knowledgeable. In truth, ‘leaves’, ‘parrot’ and ‘colour’ were just names given by him to different things.

That is what human mind has done. The universe is infinite and dark. It contains infinite number of things and phenomena. Human mind brings some of them into the light of knowledge by giving them names. But whatever is into the light of our knowledge is minuscule and incomplete. It doesn’t give us happiness and satisfaction. It creates misery and scarcity. Then we grope in darkness to find new things and phenomena that can satisfy us and give us happiness.

If you grope in darkness, you will find random things. You may not find exactly what you are looking for. You may not find solution; instead you may discover new problems.

What happens when we switch off the light of mind entirely? What if we stop naming things and stop linking things with the names that we have given them. What if we become childlike again? Our minds will fill with wonder and mystery. Even simple things such as trees will seem magical.

Such a state is called awakening or enlightenment. The light of mind switches off and the light of soul starts shining. The light of mind falls on only a few things while the light of soul falls on everything. Then you don’t have to grope in darkness. You can go to exactly what you need. The door of miracles opens up.

Switching off the lights of mind is not easy. The names that we have given to things are not just names. They make up your whole identity. You also have a name. Who would you be if you didn’t have a name? Who would you be if nothing around you had a name? This article is also using names and symbols assigned by human mind to various things.

This is the trickiest part. We have to use the very symbols to get rid of symbols. We have to use human language to remove the glasses of language that we wear.

For the minds that think in English and wear the glasses of English language, Immortal Talks Book-1 and Book-2 has been very effective in opening the door of miracles. Now there is good new for those who think in Hindi and wear the glasses of Hindi language. Both parts of Immortal Talks are now available in Hindi in a single book titled Kalihanuvani (कलिहनुवाणी).

These books are available on Amazon on this link.

Cover page of Kalihanuvani

आठों योग सिद्धियों को प्राप्त करने वाले चिरंजीवी हनुमान जी ने अपना ब्रह्मज्ञान और अनुभव बाँटने के लिए कुछ विशेष आदिवासी शिष्य चुने थे। उन्होंने वचन दिया था कि वे हर 41 वर्ष पश्चात अपने शिष्यों की नई पीढ़ियों से मिलने आएँगे और उन्हें स्वयं ज्ञान प्रदान करेंगे। उसी शाश्वत वचन को निभाते हुए वे इस बार भी आए। घने जंगल से आच्छादित एक पर्वत पर उन्होंने अपने शिष्यों को प्राचीन ज्ञान नवीन ढंग से प्रदान किया। एक दिव्य लीला के अंतर्गत यह ज्ञान जंगल से बाहर ‘कलिहनुवाणी’ के रूप में पहुँच रहा है … इस पुस्तक में 12 अध्याय हैं जिनके नाम इस प्रकार हैं : (1) दो माताओं से जना (2) जलकन्या (3) अवर्णीय का वर्णन (4) समय के तार (5) मृत्यु को हराना (6) अभिशप्त आत्माएँ (7) सहस्त्र जीवन (8) लिंग कुंजी (9) अपूर्ण (10) अदृश्य चार (11) जागृति विन्यास (12) निरंतरता



Immortal Talks
Immortal Talks

Rare books that help you transcend your limited identity.