Why do we face obstacles in life and how to remove them

Immortal Talks
Immortal Talks
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2017

You come across dozens of strangers everyday. Their souls are injecting bad Karma in your soul. Here is how to stop this flow of Bad Karma:

On Hindu festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, devotees pray to Lord Ganesha who removes obstacles from life. One of the ritual to please Lord Ganesha is ‘Visarjan’ or immersion of Ganesha idol in a water body. In this age of ignorance, Visarjan, like any other ritual, has just become symbolic. In ancient times, Visarjan of idol meant getting rid of attachments, specially one-sided attachments that you have with strangers.

Lord Ganesha (left; Pic courtesy: Vivek Raj), Bad Karma flow chart (right)

Why is attachment the root cause of obstacles in life and what does attachment mean? Attachment doesn’t mean only love. If you hate someone, if you are angry at someone, you are attached to that person. And that attachment causes flow of bad Karma towards your soul. That bad Karma causes obstacles in your life.

In chapter 2 of Immortal Talks- Book 1 , it is explained beautifully in the conversation among the disciples of Lord Hanuman. A part of it is reproduced below:

‘Being angry at someone is also a form of attachment, Dhanu,’ replied Urva before Baba could prepare his answer.

‘Yes, thank you, Urva,’ said Baba. ‘Every emotion is a form of attachment. There are mainly nine emotions: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Pity, Disgust, Expectation, Surprise, and Trust. You are attached to those who give you joy. You are attached to those who make you sad. You are attached to those you fear. You are attached to those you are full of pity for. You are attached to those who disgust you. You are attached to those you expect from. You are attached to those who surprise you. You are attached to those you trust. In short, you are attached to those who evoke any kind of emotion in you…

It is alright when you are attached to a family member or loved one. Because they are also attached to you in turn. The flow of bad Karma reaches an equilibrium in that case. Again the conversation from chapter 2 of Immortal Talks- Book 1 :

‘Maybe the flow of bad Karma has reached an equilibrium between you two,’ said uncle Basantha, joining the conversation for the first time.

In these politically charged environments, the Maya is making people attached to politicians. Some people love Donald Trump, others hate him. But all are attached to him because love and hate are both forms of attachments. So the bad Karma of Donald Trump’s soul are getting transmitted to both his haters and fans. Similarly if you hate your boss, their bad Karma is infecting you. Quoting the conversation between jungle dwellers from chapter 2 of Immortal Talks:

‘A king is loved by some and hated by others but, since hate and love both fall under the definition of attachment, he is attached to all. His soul, therefore, transfers its bad Karma to all. Funny, isn’t it? The mathematics of Karma rains luxuries on him at the expense of both his fans and haters,’ uttered Urva, preoccupied with his own thoughts.

How does this channel of bad Karma builds up between you and the people you are attached to? And how to stop the flow of bad Karma towards your soul? It is beautifully and simply explained in the book with the allegory of the mermaid.

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