Who we are?

Pushing the boundaries of modern diagnostics.

Ben John
2 min readSep 13, 2018



The core software development team of Immundiagnostik (now: Liftric) consists of three software engineers (Guido Schmidt, Thorsten Knöller, Ben John). As our experience grows by developing awesome stuff, at least from our limited perspective, we want to contribute to the community by publishing significant results that emerged from our learning progress. In this article we primarily want to introduce our company, our long-term goals and outline our product portfolio in order to concentrate on more specific topics in following articles later on.


With our novel QuantOn® Technology, Immundiagnostik delivers a holistic solution to quantify common laboratory parameters with your smartphone on-premise.

Over the course of time, lateral flow rapid tests have advanced and grown in popularity; best known is probably the qualitative pregnancy test. Our smartphone solution provides a method to quantify such a lateral flow test’s concentration after its incubation time within under 2 minutes using just the phone’s camera.

The implementation of such a technology requires — from a developer’s perspective — three ingredients (aside from hardware requirements like a test cassette that has been executed with a sample):

  1. An analysis algorithm to quantify the bands of the incubated test and ensure correctness of the result,
  2. a software application, i.e. smartphone app, to offer an easy and safe to use guidance throughout the test procedure that acts as the host for the actual algorithm,
  3. a server-side backend that serves test-specific batch data.


But here’s our dealbreaker: instead of building a super-app that is usable for each test we sell, due to regularities, we need to build an app for each test indication (i.e. physical rapid test).

Furthermore each app’s feature set may differ as some parameters may be used for therapy monitoring at home (meaning you have some sort of cloud for severe illness that needs cooperation with a trained medical expert) whereas others are just used for personal interest or in doctor’s offices.

First article

Counting everything in, we came up with the idea of a medical app skeleton that utilises higher abstractions to achieve reusable modular components. Turned out it’s an easy task on Android but lacks existing concepts and tooling for iOS. Thus we’d love to share our experiences made on that topic in our first article.

Our distribution partner: Preventis

Small side note on our child company Preventis: Preventis is our distribution channel for Point-of-Care (PoC) products and the partner for medical doctors (professional use) & consumers (home use). Currently we are establishing two major product lines: the classic line (traditional qualitative rapid tests) and the modern line (quantitive rapid tests). The modern line is based on the QuantOn® Technology developed by the mother company Immundiagnostik.

